A {very} old camper.

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We've always been those crazy Volkswagen people, right? Go Slo was dreampt up on a slow VW Wyo road trip a handful of years ago, but it's more than just a Volkswagen thing... for me, it's a vintage thing. 

Someone said to us the other day, after hearing of our upcoming camp-y purchase, "You guys aren't in the poor house, why the hell don't you buy something new?!" First of all, that's not how we do and secondly, it's totally in our blood.  

Jason and I grew up restoring vintage cars {American and British, respectively} and have harbored a love of all things antique since then. I love the sh*t they've seen and the stories they have to tell.  I absolutely romanticize mid-century vibes and was totally born in the wrong decade.  Be all that as it may, Jason's 1988 VW Vanagon {daily driver} broke the last of those camel's backs recently and we caved and bought a less-than-decade old truck. Sigh. 

The Vanagon will soon be on the market {anyone want one?!} therefore we were two spots short for some family camping. I have always lusted after vintage pull-behind campers and now felt like some perfect timing to search out one that was absolutely meant to join the family. 

Meet Opal, our new-to-us 1952 Southland Runabout. {Yes, we also named the truck. He's Therman} She's in decently good shape for being pretty geriatric and I can't wait to walk you guys through the partial resto she has in store over the winter. 

We recently roadtripped up to Cody, WY to bring her back home with us and made a total Go Slo family vaca out of it. If you haven't ever set up camp in Buffalo Bill State Park outside of Yellowstone, you're totally missing out.  

We happen to be big fans of not driving a million hours all at once, so decided to drop anchor on the way home for a night in Boysen State Park, right at the mouth of the gorgeous Wind River Canyon.  

There are times - and this weekend was one of them - that I have to pinch myself to remember that the stuff I'm looking at is real.  This little Wyoming corner of the world is so ridiculously breathtaking that it's really hard to take it for granted, even when you see it time and time again. 

It's also pretty hard to take anything for granted when you are lucky enough to celebrate your mid-decade jaunt around the sun amongst the trees and camper funfetti cake! Steak dinner, games of Uno, Oregon Trail and just a little bit of time to put some watercolor on paper rounded out the rest of the I-don't-want-to-go-home weekend. 

Welcome to the Go Slo family, Opal.  We love you already! <3 

xo Bria

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